One-day training course for RotaView users

RotaView is a computerised shift planning and administration system. It is used by a growing number of organisations from a cross-section of business sectors. For more details select the RotaView option from the menu available on the Home Page.


This hands-on course has been designed for both new and experienced users of RotaView. Each delegate is provided with a PC and a specially designed training database. They also have access to a copy of their company's database should they wish to try out some new ideas. Working through a series of exercises at their own pace, new users will receive a good grounding in the basics of running the system, while experienced users will be able to explore some of the more advanced features.


  • Rotas - a description
  • RotaView overview
  • Basic functions - adding staff; assigning staff to rotas; moving staff between rotas; making shift changes; allocating holiday and sickness
  • Views (user-defined reports) - creating and printing out
  • Listing out basic data (eg. shift codes, rotas, staff records, holiday entitlements) - use of "filters"
  • Calendars
  • Problem solving exercises
  • Holiday management - using holiday targets
  • Overtime management - using "memos" for overtime reasons - overtime analysis reports
  • Creating a rota - defining rota lines - assigning staff to rota lines
  • Shift and holiday target setting
  • Staffing levels by time of day
  • Creating Views that are sub-sets or combinations of "areas"
  • Interface with other Windows applications
  • Creating reports in  Microsoft Word using "template" files
  • European (or company) working time rules checking
  • Security - setting passwords
  • Memos
  • Creating charts

Aimed at

Anyone who is either using or intending to use RotaView.

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